Operation Blessing Bags

Welcome to Operation Blessing Bag

Give a Bag,  Show you Care,  Stand for Life

Everyone enjoys getting a gift and a Blessing Bag is a gift of love, made to be given to those entering West Alabama Women’s Center.    We would love for you to get involved as an individual, church, group, or organization and help keep our sidewalk counselors/advocates supplied with these special bags.

We have created detailed pages that should answer most of your questions.
Go take a peek ; you’ll be glad you did!

(Disclaimer-  Over time, we have adjusted the Blessing Bags contents as we found out what works best in the bags.  Some of the videos and pictures on the website will not show the current bag recommendations.  Please see the Blessing Bag Assembly & Contents page for current recommendations.)

Why Blessing Bags?

Operation Blessing Bags - Assembled Blessing Bags - ProLifeTuscaloosa.com

Blessing Bag Assembly & Contents

Blessing Bag Tips