Post Abortion Help

Are you hurting from a previous abortion?

There is no right or wrong way to feel after your abortion. Every woman’s experience is unique. Some women feel relieved, and some women regret their decision right away. Some women have deep feelings of loss, and others may not feel much at all.

It’s common to feel many things all at once! Relief, anger, sadness, and hope can all exist at one time. That may be confusing, but it’s also normal.

If you have had an abortion (or know someone who has), maybe you have noticed changes emotionally or physically, and you wonder what has brought on the change. Some women and men who have been involved in an abortion decision have feelings of sadness, loneliness, anger, or a lack of interest in work, school, or even life.

If you’re looking for emotional support after abortion, these resources might be helpful:

OptionLine – You can chat with them on their website, text HELPLINE to 313131, send a message, or call  1-800-712-4357.

Contact Shaylene with 
Shaylene has an incredible post abortion testimony you can watch here.

Abortion Recovery Alabama
Free, caring, confidential, non-judgmental

Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries
Healing the pain of abortion – one weekend at a time.
1-877-HOPE-4-ME (1-877-467-3463)

Surrender the Secret
These are small groups that meet all over the nation, including in the Tuscaloosa/West Alabama area.

Here is a glimpse into a Surrender the Secret small group Bible study.