About Prolife Tuscaloosa – Life is a miracle

Prolife Tuscaloosa- who we are:

Prolife Tuscaloosa is a  group of individuals who love and respect LIFE and believe that all LIFE (regardless of its age or stage) is a miracle, a blessing from God.   We believe that Tuscaloosa and the surrounding areas need to know about the murder of children that has been going on for almost 30 years in Tuscaloosa.  We are providing the facts and encouraging everyone who thinks LIFE is a miracle, to become involved.

Prolife Tuscaloosa- who we are not:

Prolife Tuscaloosa is not comprised of individuals or groups, who support, foster, or advocate hate or violence towards anyone who disagrees with us. We are peaceful  and law abiding.   But, we will not be bullied by those who disagree with us.  We are exercising our First Amendment Rights of free speech and are entitled to our own opinion, just like you are entitled to yours.

Prolife Tuscaloosa- why we are here:

Prolife Tuscaloosa exists to provide opportunities, resources, facts, and networking for those who DO want to get involved in taking a stand for Life.

Prolife Tuscaloosa does not exist to “force” our opinion on anyone.     Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so please do not scream “tolerance” to us, if you are unwilling to apply the same standards to yourself and tolerate our opinion.   Tolerance goes both ways.   If you are reading this, it is by your own choice.   We are not forcing you to come to our website, nor read what is in it.

That said, LIFE is a miracle, and thus, we plan to peacefully live out our convictions and take a stand for LIFE.

Click here to find out how you can join us in advocating a culture of LIFE in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.